Are Headaches a Common Symptom of Sinus Problems?

Get Rid of the Sinus Pain Today!

If you start to experience more headaches than normal, or strong pain in your sinuses, it can potentially be a sign of larger sinus problems. Whether it is or not, you can find sinus pain relief by contracting our Detroit Sinus Center team or by following our guide down below. As the premier sinus treatment center for patients in the Detroit Metropolitan Area, we’re passionate about helping everyone find the sinus pain relief they need. Review our guide below and reach out to us today for the next steps!

How Headaches Relate To Sinus Pain

In short, headaches can be a common symptom of larger sinus problems. According to the Mayo Clinic, patients experiencing sinus headaches feel pressure in the brow, cheeks, or forehead; feel their pain worse when lying down; notice their headache throbbing, or have general fatigue and a stuffy nose. If your headache is similar to this and lasts longer than a day or two, chances are it is related to a sinus issue and you need to seek sinus pain relief.

Different Types Of Sinus Infections

Patients may experience migraines with nasal symptoms instead of a sinus headache, which is caused by sinus infections. However, if you notice the symptoms detailed above, it could be due to sinus infection; these infections, called sinusitis, are the result of inflammation that in turn causes blockages and causes a patient to need sinus pain relief. Sinusitis can be acute — lasting less than a few weeks — or subacute and chronic, which last a few months or longer than three months, respectively.

Common Methods Of Sinus Pain Relief

When it comes to lessening the symptoms of sinusitis and implementing sinus pain relief, there are a few at-home steps patients can take. Our Detroit Sinus Center experts recommend taking a hot shower or bath to breathe in the steam, which in turn can thin out mucus that may have thickened. A saline flush or saline spray into the nose can also help to relieve sinus pressure and provide sinus pain relief. Our team also recommends staying hydrated and sleeping with your head elevated at night.

When To Visit A Sinus Pain Relief Professional

If your sinus problems persist longer than a few days, or if no sinus pain relief methods are working, it may be time to seek the help of our Detroit Sinus Center team. We’re committed to providing patients with as much information as possible on why sinus infections occur and how to get rid of painful headaches. Several of our treatment options may be right for you depending on your unique situation!

Schedule your appointment with Detroit Sinus Center today by browsing our new patient information and get the sinus pain relief you need!

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