By Patricia May 21, 2021
Sinusitis, also known simply as a sinus infection, is the swelling or inflammation of the tissue that lines the sinuses. Normally, your sinuses are simply filled with air. However, they can easily become blocked, causing bacteria, fluid, and viruses to accumulate and lead to an infection. Having sinusitis often consists... Read More
By Patricia Apr 19, 2021
If you’ve been struggling with clogged sinuses lately, surely all you want is to breathe easy once again. While there are many different methods to clearing your sinuses, today we’ll discuss some breathing exercises. Trying breathing exercises is the best way to start your journey to sinus relief as it... Read More
By Patricia Mar 08, 2021
Clogged, congested sinuses can be annoying at best, but painful for some. Either way, you want relief and you want it fast. There’s nothing better than being able to breathe easily and passively through your nose — and we all know that we don’t appreciate that feeling until our sinuses... Read More
By Patricia Mar 08, 2021
Spring is nearly upon us, but for many, that means that allergy season is starting. Unfortunately for this group, when the weather changes and the seasons shift, that means nasal congestion, runny nose, and itchy, watery eyes. If you fall in this group, you’re probably wondering how to get through... Read More
By Patricia Dec 22, 2020
Balloon sinuplasty, also referred to as balloon sinus dilation, is one of the least invasive types of sinus surgery. The procedure was designed to help people find relief from chronic sinus pain and pressure, usually caused by sinusitis in its more serious stages. But how do you know if your... Read More
By Patricia Nov 20, 2020
Many people who think they are having a sinus headache are actually having a migraine. Why do people get these two confused so often? There is actually quite a bit of overlap between the symptoms of a sinus headache and a migraine. It can be pretty easy to think that... Read More
By Patricia Nov 10, 2020
Do you ever go to sleep feeling perfectly fine but then wake up to a clogged nose? While you sleep, there are a few different factors that may be worsening your sinuses throughout the night. In today’s blog, we will be discussing the four common reasons that your sinuses are... Read More
By Patricia Aug 18, 2020
Your sinuses, connected to your nasal passage, bring moisture to the air you breathe and are also responsible for producing mucus, which traps bacteria and other foreign particles. So if your sinuses are designed to keep you from getting sick, why does sinus pressure hurt so much? The sinus experts... Read More
By Patricia Apr 14, 2020
At Detroit Sinus Center in Michigan, we see hundreds of cases of sinusitis and common allergies that affect the sinuses and breathing patterns of people here in the Greater Detroit area. In the past, we have provided resources that describe the difference between sinus infections and allergies. However, given the... Read More
By Patricia Mar 23, 2020
It can be difficult to picture, but your ears, nose, and throat are all connected through a series of tubes and canals. This is why, when you hold your nose shut and blow, you feel the pressure change in your ears. It’s also why ear infections often occur at the... Read More